Building Successful Quantum Initiatives
About This Course
This course is designed to share the collective wisdom of the IBM Quantum Network, both to enrich the experience of existing Network partners, and to guide new partners toward success in the emerging quantum ecosystem. The course contains guidance on topics such as important roles to have filled on your quantum team, things to keep in mind when engaging with clients, and measures of success, among many others. IBM experts distilled key takeaways from years of partner experience and workshops on getting the most value out of the IBM Quantum Network. To add context to some of the general takeaways, IBM recorded interviews with several leaders from among our Network partners. This course collects their advice and observations by topic, allowing viewers to get an industry-wide perspective, including that of startups, Quantum Innovation Centers, Quantum Computation Centers, enterprise clients, and global systems integrators.
Intended Audience
We recommend this course to leadership and upper-level management of partners in the IBM Quantum Network. It will be of particular use to new partners, but may enhance the perspective of any partner.
There is no technical prerequisite for this course, but we recommend that learners first take the Quantum for Business Value course, which is a good introduction to the quantum ecosystem.