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Archived - Teach the Researcher 2021 - Hardware

This course is a capture of the 2021 Teach the Researcher event on quantum computing hardware. This course covers the fundamentals of the quantum hardware including IBM Quantum Systems' fixed-frequency transmon qubits, cross reference gates, cross cross reference gates, and more. Categories of errors and noise are discussed, as are error mitigation techniques.
  1. Teach the Researcher 2021: Hardware, Nate Earnest-Noble

    Suggested reading linked below lectures throughout the course.

  2. Hardware Overview – Nate Earnest Noble

    Simulators – Ryan Mishmash

    Error Mitigation vs. Error Correction – David Sutter

    Error Mitigation Techniques – Bibek Pokharel

    IBM Quantum Hardware – Neereja Sundaresan

    Errors and Error Classification – Seth Merkel

    Coherent vs. Incoherent Noise – Jin-Sung Kim

    Tuning Up Gates Beyond Backend – Naoki Kanazawa

    A Natural iSWAP Gate – Kentaro Heya

    Designing Quantum Hardware with Qiskit Metal – Thomas McConkey

    Building on top of VQE and VQE-cVAR – Panagiotis Barkoutsos
