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Archived - Quantum Error Correction

This course is now archived. It may still be interesting and useful for background, but it is not being updated and some code is deprecated. This course covers the fundamentals of quantum error correction, from stabilizer formalism to well-known quantum error correcting codes, as well as the latest advances in experimental demonstration of quantum error correction.
  1. This course is now archived. It may still be interesting and useful for background, but it is not being updated and some code is deprecated.

    Introduction to Quantum Error Correction, Muyuan Li

    Suggested reading:

  2. Surface code, Guanyu Zhu

    Suggested reading:

  3. Fault-tolerant universal quantum computing, Tomas Jochym-O'Connor

    Suggested reading:

  4. Decoding algorithms and fault-tolerant quantum architecture, Ted Yoder

    Suggested reading:

  5. Recent advances in QEC codes and experimental demonstrations, Muyuan Li

  6. Final Q&A
